there in August and I asked if she knew Jeremy. She said, "Of course I know him" what a small world. We ate some yummy food and drank coke with ice! (Don't worry, it was safe) sorry the laptop has been hujacked by a british man. the thing about blogging is it is utterly random that is where i come in for i am the random british man "i wish his accent was in it" said she thus speak thee in the sound of England apparently I am rinsing the bandwidth with my incessant typing i write at the speed of light you see and for now that shall be all from me then harry waved his wand and hocus pocus datsum maleeroi and she turned into a toad.
Back to whatever we were talking about. After eating we headed back to VBS, got back on the Pyes bus, headed back to their house posted the pics then headed out. A guy who works for the Pye's took us to the "bus station" where we squeezed into the front of a van then headed to Leogane. The van actually goes from Jacmel to Port-Au-Prince. We payed 300gds which is like $7.50! The ride was quick, it only took 1 hr and 20min. It was soooo beautiful!
When we walked into the gates of the orphanage we were so happy to see our girls. They were also very happy to see us. We didn't do a very good job of unpacking because we were sleepy and missed the girls and wanted to talk with them. We spent a lot of time singing with them from the book of songs that the high schoolers had brought for their devotions. We refilled the girls water tank. Then we went to the container for some air conditioning relief when Coi-cou knocked on our door to tell us that Pierre was there to get more tools from the container. We left our lovely air conditioning to go say hello and to help. When we talked to him we found out that he was going to go to the island of La Gonave where Tom from Extollo and our good pal Avery (aka Pops) were doing a building project. We were talking to Pierre about how we wanted to go and he said that he could help us get there if we wanted. We said we would talk the next day and went to sleep.
So who'd you meet in Jacmel? I wonder if I remember them???