About Us

We met on our first trip to Haiti in July 2010. We have both fallen in love with Haiti and the people that live there. The girls we work with have taught us so much, and we pray we can have a positive impact on them as well.

Friday, July 15, 2011

We are bad updaters!

Soo sorry for the lag in posts! We have been really really busy.

On day 6 we did a lot of walking so we were extra tired. We needed to pack up all our stuff in the container since the Cornerstone High School team was coming the next day. It took us ALL day because we kept getting distracted and just hanging out with all the girls. We walked all around the village with Ketianne in search for the right soap so she could wash our clothes. We finally found it. Pastor Kelly texted us and needed us to take pictures of the church roof for him so we had Nadine take us. We were very tired from all the walking! We then had to hurry to Leogane to get dinner and return some water bottles that we bought our first day here. It must have been traffic time on the way back because there were TONS of people waiting for taptaps. We had bought a chunk of ice so we could have really cold water. The bag that it was in had a hole in it. If you weren't aware, Haiti is really hot and when it's really hot, ice melts really fast. So we were waiting for the taptap standing around with like 50 people holding a broken bag of melting ice. It was kind of awful. Everyone was staring because I was soaking wet from the water. Everyone kept telling me that my bag was no good and I told them that was the only bag I had! Everyone was talking about it and someone went to get me a new bag that was stronger and had no holes. I was very excited. Every time a taptap pulled up people shoved to get on and it was very hectic. A very nice man took us under his wing and helped us onto a giant bus. I thought I was going to get crushed from all the people shoving and pushing! When we finally got on and sat down we were nervous that it wouldn't take us to the right place. We only recently learned that not all taptaps go to the same places. We were getting nervous that it was one that didn't stop in between. However, someone got off right away so we knew that it would stop at the orphanage for us. We had lots of help from the people here and it was wonderful.

That night was a night of no sleep for Amy and I. We were really tired that night and fell asleep fast. After about an hour at like 12 I woke up to go to the bathroom. I peed and turned the light on to wash my hands and saw that there was a gigantic spider right next to my face. Awesome. I woke Amy up and we debated if we could kill it or not. The answer is no way. Amy had to pee really bad at that point so we went into the other side of the container. There was ANOTHER spider in that side!!! We couldn't sleep in either side of the container because spiders were everwhere. Ahhh! We went to go get Enel AGAIN but he wasn't there.... Amy and I walked ALL OVER the orphanage grounds looking for him even though we knew he wasn't there. We even looked under the trees by the front gate just in case. There was a big storm that night so I think it was too wet for him to sleep on the porch so he went to the church to sleep. We walked around until 1 in the morning freaking out about what to do. We finally decided to call Yveline and she woke up and came to kill them for us. What a wonderful friend! We were so happy we paid her. Haha! We went back to bed but didn't sleep that well at all from all the excitement.

That's all for now!

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