About Us

We met on our first trip to Haiti in July 2010. We have both fallen in love with Haiti and the people that live there. The girls we work with have taught us so much, and we pray we can have a positive impact on them as well.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 5: "Spiders and Aunts"

Hello. Yesterday when we visited the boys and chatted with the ladies there for a long time. Pastor Kellys neice Jesula is usually very quiet and shy but she talked a lot. I like getting to know her a little better everytime I(Amy) come here. While I was chatting away, Becca was teaching the littlest boys to put all their hands together and say, "One, two, three, yayyyyy" as they all lifted their hands in the air. Just like a soccer team. No they were not playing soccer or doing anything other than cheering & being AWESOME! I told one of the ladies there that is 9 months pregnant that I wanted to deliver her baby. She agreed.

As soon as we saw Haiti power was on, we headed back to the girls orphanage to get to work. As soon as we got the information we needed and got our tools together,(thats right WE have TOOLS) the power turned off. Sad. So, instead we just hung with out with the girls. Salvacienne was pretending she was pregnant with a ball under her shirt. We asked how many babies she was having, and she informed us that she was having 3 babies. Awhile later Salvacienne was laying on the porch making noises, so we asked if she had had her babies. She replied that she had. When we asked her what their names were she said, "Baby Rebecca, Baby Amy, and Baby Sherman." We were thrilled to have namesakes. I'm sure Sherman will be proud as well.

We are SO excited to share with you more about how awesome the new house mama is. We finally understand her name....Judith. Hard, we know. We told her last night that a woman from teh boys orphanage wanted to accompany her to the docter. She had Vanessa tell us that she had called "Doctors without Borders" and they did not have a skin specialist. She also found out that there was a skin specialist elsewhere but it cost money. Another great thing she did was come to tell all the kids it was time to go to sleep, and they listened! We have never seen anything like this before!

We then headed to bed, where we talked forever. Around midnight Becca spotted a HUGE SPIDER under my bed! We were terrified. Becca set off to find someone to help. She found Enel(older boy) sleeping on the orphanage porch. She whisper yelled, "Enel, please come help me." Enel woke up and followed her to our container. They came in and I got out quickly. Enel killed the spider easily. When he was finished we looked and saw that Coi-Coo & the security guard were there as well. I'm sure they think we are very strange. After that we couldn't sleep. We decided we needed to search the container to see if there were more, Luckily there were not. Then we got a bright idea to make an "Instructional Video" for the highschoolers on how to get to the top bunk. This bunk is very high and basically impossible to get to. Long story short we made the most hilarious video ever. Hopefully you can see it someday!

On to today...

We woke us up very early because crazy little kids kept being loud. I'm talking like 6am early, after going to sleep around 2am.(psst Becca is falling asleep next to me as I type). Yveline headed to school and dropped Charley off with us. We fed him and tried to make him happy. He likes to do things himself now. He fell asleep in my arms. I held him while he napped, and Becca rubbed cream on the girls skin. A translator friend of Pastor Kelly came to visit. We chatted a long time with him, and he was very pleasant. We told him we appreciated him stopping by but we didnt have money for a translator. He told us that we did not need to pay him. He knows that God wants us to help others and he will be payed in blessings. That was cool to hear. He seems like a great guy.

Later, Rodriguez and I got to work gathering some things that Sherman had requested. Rodriguez is so sweet and such a good helper. You can tell he is so proud when you ask him to help you do things. I paid him for his work with a cold bottle of water with grape propel mixed in and 3 small airhead candies. He shared all of it with the other kids. What a lovely boy!!

We went to Leogane again for our lunch. We went to catch a tap tap and Yveline was getting off so we asked if she wanted to come with. She did. We got our food, and then we needed to buy some clorox for washing out our water tank. We sent Yveline alone because the store was where we met Pooshon. Let me tell you the "Pooshon Story" In January when Becca and I were in Haiti many many men fell in love with her. But one fellow caught her eye. His name...was Pooshon. What actaully happened was Becca jokingly said to me. "I wouldn't say no to him"(asking for her number) So then I, being the person I am decided I should take a picture of them together. I took their picture and got his cellphone number. I told the kids Rebecca had a new Haitian fiance. They made up an awesome song that goes a little like this, "Rebecca, fiance, Pooshon, gwo renmen" gwo renmen=BIG LOVE. The kids still sing that song to this day. Even adults who weren't here then. Later we txted him, and then the crazy started. Becca got like 15txts about how he loved her, how he wanted to hear her voice ect. Creeptastic. So I responded that American girls don't like it when you tell them you love them and you dont know them. Then I returned to Haiti in April and saw him as I was passing by twice. I said hello to him. He tried to call my phone but I did not answer. Anywho, like I said today we didnt want to go near the place we met him. There was aproblem understanding the amount of money. So we went over there. The woman who was selling us the stuff was talking to herself a lot and were just standing there not understanding. At the end she looked at Becca and said something about Pooshon. We were surprised. She informed us she was his aunt. At first we thought Yveline had said something to her, but Yveline said no. Then the woman said I remember. Becca was so shocked/embarresed/freaked out that she covered her mouth as she laughed and quickly walked away.


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